The Soča Valley is a member of Slovenia’s family of certified Green Destinations, a recognition we are proud to uphold. Along with our renowned accommodation providers, we strive for tourism models that respect natural environments and local communities. We invite you to use sustainable transportation through the valley and choose sustainable activities. In addition to tons of deals, the Julian Alps card for the Soča Valley also provides you with opportunities for green mobility and seamless transfers.
The Soča Valley is the green home to people, plants, and animals alike. We travel there as guest, and we can do our part to make it a pleasant stay for all. Welcome to a green dream come true in the prettiest Alpine valley on earth.
Find your energy in the river’s flow
The Soča is refreshing at every turn. The water from the Soča’s source in Trenta is among the highest-quality springs in Slovenia. Drinking from springs is especially rejuvenating. See if the legend about the Count’s Water is true, heralded by some as the most healing waters on earth. Have a sip of the healing Dicova Voda spring, one that has never run dry. The fresh waters of the Soča are the best way to cool off and freshen up after a whole day of exploring the valley. Go with the flow and
- enjoy clean and delicious water from natural springs
- use a bottle that you can fill up again and again
- preserve our water resources by using as little of it as possible and limiting detergent use
From the river’s edge to above the clouds
The tradition of Alpine pastures and dairy goods in the Soča Valley reaches back at least to the 12th century. Life in the high Alpine meadows has been chugging along at the same pace for a very long time. Visit a community of herders and dairy producers high above sea level. Try typical Soča cheeses like the ones from Tolmin and Bovec, which are protected Slovenian cheeses under EU designation. They taste best somewhere above 1,000 meters, where all you can hear is the bells around the necks of the native cows and Bovec sheep. The Soča Valley has a bunch of small-scale organic farms, which source the local restaurants. World-renowned, Michelin chef Ana Roš of Hiša Franko constructs her menus solely from locally sourced goods. Go with the flow and
- enjoy the fresh and healthy food from the mountain pastures, the forests, and the waters of the Soča Valley
- buy local products and support local artisans
The flow of stories
Go with the flow back in time. The 12 battles of the Soča Front during WWI saw the most gruesome high-altitude fighting in human history, both in Europe and anywhere on earth. Caves, tunnels, strategic firing positions, and other relics of the war are generally well preserved and still standing in their original locations. Visit the Kobarid Museum and hike along the Walk of Peace from the Alps to the Adriatic Sea. The most beautiful monument is the church of the Holy Spirit in Javorca, a symbol of European heritage that was constructed by soldiers of all ethnicities. Go with the flow and
- visit local sites and help preserve local heritage
- attend traditional events and support local communities
Trod carefully
The Soča Valley is paradise for hiking and exploring. Set off by foot or by bike along the marked trails. Everywhere is heavenly, from the river’s banks up into the green forests, and beyond up to the mountains’ peaks. Experience everything the valley has to offer, from its lowest point in the Tolmin Gorges to the highest-lying beach atop Mt. Kanin, at over 2500 m ASL, where you can only get by cable car. The more of a chance you give to peace and quiet, the more you’ll notice the life teeming in the Julian Alps. Go with the flow and
- leave your vehicles at marked parking spots
- head to sites, beaches, and trail heads by public transportation
- for sites and transport use your Julian Alps destination card
- seek out hidden spots by foot, bike, or kayak
An open-air zoo
The Soča’s 138 kilometers of winding river bends is home to countless protected plants and animals. When on a hike you hear the call of the mountain eagle piercing the sky, behold the leap of a great chamois, or see an ibex resting gracefully among a bed of Alpine flowers, a black salamander among the rocks, a tiny Scops owl, or any of the other protected species, you know you’re experiencing a special world. Go with the flow and
- respect natural habitats by not making too much noise
- never touch or approach a wild animal if you see one
- do not touch or pick Alpine plants and grasses, so stick to the marked paths
An escape to secret corners
The Soča River is protected as a natural monument. The locals respect its beauty and natural resources. Let’s help them preserve it. Just bring with you good cheer and take home unforgettable adventures. The hidden paths among the rapids are the best shelter from the summer heat. Find a Zen moment among the Great Soča Gorge below walls that are 15 meters high and 750 meters long, or in the country’s oldest botanical garden, the Juliana, or among any of the mountain pastures. Go with the flow and
- when exploring nature and the mountains, take your trash with you back to the valley
- separate recycling and take it to appropriate facilities
Energy and inspiration year-round
Triglav National Park is Slovenia’s only national park and is one of Europe’s oldest. It is protected under the Slovenia Green designation, and was further declared by UNESCO as the first biosphere in the Julian Alps that preserves a balance between people and nature. Explore the kingdom where 7,000 different animals and 1,600 different plant species live in harmony. Among them are 19 that you aren’t likely to see anywhere else. Do you know what the Alpine poppy or Zoysi’s bellflower look like in bloom? Walk around the oldest pine in the valley, growing for at least 1050 years already. Go with the flow and:
- walk only on marked paths
- respect fragile nature and try to preserve it
- don’t pick flowers or other plants along the path