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Experience the Walk of Peace and the multimedia show 'On the Paths of Europe' as night falls

10. 7. 2024 / 18:30 / BovecRavelnik open air museum

Ravelnik 10. 7. 2024 Ravelnik 10. 7. 2024

18:30  Guided tour of the open-air museum Ravelnik and refreshments from the military

21:30  Performance On the Paths of Europe, featuring Mattia Cason, Alessandro Conte, Muhammad 'Abd al-Mun'im


Due to the banquet, registration is required by 9. 7. 2024:


Ustanova »Fundacija Poti miru v Posočju«

Gregorčičeva ulica 8, SI-5222 Kobarid

T: 031 586 296


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