Jump on Kup hill | Soča Valley Hiking Festival

30. 9. 2023 / 09:00 / Podbrdo / TIC Podbrdo

Skok na kup Skok na kup, ©TD Podbrdo


The route takes us along an old road from the time of the construction of the Bohinj railway. Soon we turn on a beautiful mulattiera trail from when Italy ruled here. Along the way, we will see a few more buildings that Italy used to protect the Rapalo border. Kup is a hill above Podbrdo, offering a beautiful view of Podbrdo and all the surrounding mountains. In the last two years, the Kup hill has become a very popular spot, especially for locals, who love to JUMP on the KUP. From there, we descend to Petrovo Brdo and follow the old road back to the starting point in Podbrdo.

A very interesting route that, with the help of a local guide, will reveal a lot of previously hidden content.

The route is not demanding and is suitable for all participants of different ages.


Podbrdo, infront of TIC Podbrdo at 9.00

PRICE: 10 €

Turistično društvo Podbrdo
Jožko Dakskobler • 00386 41 837 551
Teodor Markoč • 00386 40 202 449

More about the hike >

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